Friday, June 09, 2006

Rev. Isaac Luk Isaac is a young Sudanese preacher, who left his home District of Bentiu, Sudan in 1989,when war broke out in the Upper Nile region of Sudan. This resulted in a civil war between the non- black Christians and the north-Muslims. It is a civil war that has lost two millions lives during the two decades. And because of that war, Isaac was forced to move out of his own country, Sudan, into the neighboring country of Ethiopia for refuge, and lived there for three years. He moved out of Ethiopia in 1991, during the military coupe, by the Ethiopian rebels who had overthrown president Manegisto. Isaac migrated to Kenya in 1992, and had lived there for the past nine years. During all these troubles, God had spoken to him in a mighty way about his life to save him, and then Isaac gave his life to God. From that time on, the Holy Spirit begin to manifest in his life, even during when he was ordained as a Deacon. God had given him a mission of: preaching and teaching the Bible with inspirational messages from the word of God. And more souls have been touched, where many people have come to the knowledge of the Kingdom of God through his teaching, “Salvation,” which Jesus taught of being born again by the Spirit of God and water. Isaac's teaching had been greatly manifested by the presence of the Holy Spirit, which had drawn many into the presence of God. Isaac came to the United States, in 2001, where he now resides in Omaha, Nebraska. It was not long after God had spoken to him in a mighty way that he should go and preach the Gospel to his country men, the Sudanese in Omaha and Bellevue Nebraska. God had given Isaac a ministry in Bellevue Nebraska, where people have come to know God through His miracle working power in Christ Jesus. And many lives have been changed, both young and old alike. Isaac had been in the ministry for five years. Deacon Isaac had seen a vision from God about the end time. This vision convinced him to write this book, “GIVE EYES TO A THOUSANDS YEARS.” He saw the saints were wailing at the call of Jesus’ name during the vision. Isaac has an Associate degree in Science from Metropolitan Community College, and he is now working on his Bachelor Degree in Biotechnology at the University of Nebraska at Omaha. Isaac wants to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ to his countrymen, and even to the world. It is the reason why he had a vision to write this inspirational book, that the millions may “Give Eyes to a Thousands Years” with confidence of waiting for the return of Jesus Christ in their hearts, and let their names be written in the book of life. Why should we give eyes to thousand years? What is the book of life? Is there a heaven, a place of joy and happiness? Or is there a hell, a place of misery and pain? Why shouldn't one want to repent now and be forgiven then to face hell after death? Why shoudn't one let his name be written in the book of life than the book of death? This book entitled "Give Eyes to a Thousands Years," answers some of the critical questions that one may ask to know before the second death. Web Site: